Exakat 1.2.5 review Exakat 1.2.5 worked on stability. Behind the scenes, we upgraded support for constant static expressions, and command line line configuration. Exakat and its databases were upgraded to PHP 7.2.5. So, this week, here is the quick Exakat 1.2.5 review. PHP 7.2.5, 7.1.17 and 7.0.30 supported Exakat takes advantages of its intimate knowledge […]
How many parameters is too many? Now, that is a classic question, that is often a minefield for anyone writing an increasing long list of argument in a method, or simply trying to set up auditing tools. Obviously, the answer is not immediate. Parameters may be needed, but on the other hands, currying functions allows […]
Exakat 1.2.4 review Exakat 1.2.4 features a special report ‘Confusing variables’, that help readability by reducing the number of look-alike among variables. Several bugs were also hunted and get rid of. In the same time, we have some more recommendations about memory usage. It is a bright cold day in April, and the versions are […]
< Exakat 1.2.3 review Exakat 1.2.3 is steadily bringing more analysis and reports to PHP coders. This week, we are excited to see the start of the new ‘Manual’ report, and three new analysis, that checks strtr() usage, reports property unsetting and list all complex expressions. So, “call me Exakat”: here is the Exakat 1.2.1 […]
An elephpant family picture Elephpants are part of the life of PHP developers. They are cute, they help coding, they attract attention and make us feel part of the community. They also require a lot of love, some grass and water. And, on a rainy day or a shiny moon night, they reach for the […]
Exakat 1.2.1 review Exakat 1.2.1 brings several new analysis, and a boost of speed with improved concurrency. Analysis now suggest simplifying chr() calls, mistaking increment operator and reducing complexity of expressions. The Favorites report displays properties declarations style. So, without transition, here is the Exakat 1.2.1 review. Fastest Exakat version ever At the heart of […]
Exakat 1.1.9 review Exakat 1.1.9 spins off the ‘Code Favorites’ reports, which tells you what is the actual personality of your coding habits : check it out, it’s always impressive. The engine also offers a new analysis, that counts parameters and suggest refactoring methods with more than 8 parameters. And the documentation received a lot […]
Largest PHP applications When testing the exakat static analysis engine, I need to run it on real code. Open Source projects are a real blessing there, since they come in different shapes and stripes. Some projects dates back from PHP 3 and have evolved until now, some are PHP 7.2 only ; some are full OOP, […]
Exakat 1.1.8 review After last week double edition’s review, we needed some quiet time. This week, we upgraded the ‘Randomly sorted arrays’, added two new extensions and closed two nasty bugs. So, here it is, your moment to read the Exakat 1.1.8 review. Support for IBM Db2 and Leveldb ext/ibm_db2 is an interface to IBM […]
Comment automatiser la revue de code du TOP 10 OWASP ? On ne présente plus le TOP 10 de OWASP : l’Open Web Application Security Project est une organisation à but non lucratif qui oeuvre pour la sécurité des applications. Le Top 10 OWASP liste les risques de sécurité des applications. Il a été conçu afin de […]