Exakat 1.9.2 releases several reports, and raise readiness for PHP 7.4. And, under the hood, we have some foundation upgrades, that will extend the nature of results from analysis. As they say, you have to look through the rain to see the Exakat 1.9.2 review. Class dependency diagram This is a new report : it […]
Exakat 1.8.9 Review Exakat 1.8.9 is out. This week, we are packing new analysis and several graph refactoring that are helping us push the analysis further. The analysis cover disconnected classes, the double usage of blind variables in foreach(), usage of mb_detect_encoding(), and useless type hint checks. Constant values are propagated even further; foreach now […]
Classic Code Review for PHP Classes Classes help organise the code by breaking it into smaller components, that combined together to build powerful applications. Property definitions, abstract classes, local variables and identical methods are all code smells that evolve directly inside large repositories with many classes. Here some common code smells that arise in OOP […]
Exakat 1.8.8 Review Exakat 1.8.8 is out. There are numerous improvements under the hood, and significant work during the testing phase. All this new ground will be useful in the upcoming versions, so just listen and get ready for new features. The speed improvements are massive for the smaller codebase : anything smaller than WordPress […]
Exakat 1.8.6 Review Exakat 1.8.6 is a performance version. First, Exakat moved to Tinkergraph 3.4.2, using the latest and brightest of the graph database. Several analyses were refactored for faster processing, then the Query engine was optimized to skip side queries when possible. And finally, we’re working on loading time, both directly and with the […]
Exakat 1.8.5 Review Exakat 1.8.4 and 5 are maintenance version, that focus on fixing edge cases and speeding up analysis. In particular, several analyses have taken advantage of the constant resolution system, to apply checks on literal and constants alike. We also included a new analysis that checks if literal could be replaced by an […]
Exakat 1.8.3 Review Exakat 1.8.3 has been refactoring a lot of property and method infrastructure. We are now quite satisfied with the new handling of properties, even if some unit tests are still not passing. In the meantime, we added new tactical checks : how to speed up usage of magic properties, by choosing the […]
Exakat 1.8.2 Review Exakat 1.8.2 starts a growth cycle with the internal engine. New relations are being built across the code base, to create a shorter path between related pieces of code. In the meantime, we collect three pieces of wisdom last week : infinite foreach() loops, too much of get_class() and identical inherited methods. […]
Configure exakat with .exakat.yml, and run it in your CI pipeline.
Exakat 1.8.1 brings several new reports formats for a better bug hunt. This week, we introduce the Top 10 reports, the Yaml and the ExakatYaml reports. Plus Json, Text and XML got upgraded with extra new fields. The Exakat 1.8.1 review is all in the reports!