Overall Typehint Usage PHP typehints were introduced in PHP 5. Ever since, they have grown in features and usage. Where are we at the moment ? We scanned the Open Source community repositories. 89% of all PHP code source use types hinting, at least a little. Typehint Coverage This number is very high, yet it […]
Exakat 1.9.9 Review Exakat focuses on automated updates this week : two new reports (and sections) provide recommendations to use Rector and Php-cs-fixer for fixing, en masse, issues found during an audit. Also, no less than 9 new rules were added to Exakat, and a new inventory for mbstring encoding. The Exakat 1.9.9 review is the best […]
Exakat 1.9.8 Review This week, Exakat upgrades the presentation of the inventories. It refactored the method definition detection, and added new rule for hiding parameters and wrong case. Several modernisations were applied, in particular to the ‘Insufficient typehint’ rule. Coding is inherently risky, and it helps to readd the Exakat 1.9.7 review. Upgraded Inventories Code […]
This week, Exakat added a new inventory for too many chained object. The engine upgraded the storage of Typehint and Default values, which lead to several modernisation and coverage extensions, such as ‘typehint are for interface or abstract classes’, and ‘Never used parameters’. Code is like a series of baby steps, and a good Exakat […]
Most Popular PHP Magic Methods PHP features the concept of magic methods : methods that have a special function. They are related to other PHP features, and are automatically called on an object, when available. For example, the __toString() method is called whenever an object is converted to a string : this may be with […]
Setting exceptions at the right place : when you need to throw an exception somewhere else than the most useful line of code
One for the security, one for the performances, several for the coverage and one new inventory! Exakat 1.9.6 brings a wide range of new analysis and reports : performance with mb_substr(), security without TLS 1.0, better coverage for definitions, and inventory of duplicate literals. We are evolved to search for meaning but ultimately life has […]
Exakat 1.9.5 includes analysis that prevents code from decaying, or warn you early about it : useless type checks thanks to Typehint, non-implemented interfaces, incompatible signatures with PHP 7.3, wrong expectations with interface typehints. Also, PHP 7.4 migration was upgraded with the upcoming change of bit shift precedence versus concatenation. And, Ambassador reports typehints for […]
Exakat 1.9.4 has a new harvest of new code reviews to make PHP code better and better : rules for PHP 7.4, whose Compatibility PHP 7.4 ruleset now has 21 rules; rules for backward compatibility; inventory of structures nesting and dimensions for arrays; rules for ?? and . precedence. We also introduced a new report, ‘Stubs’. There […]
Exakat 1.9.3 reviews the maximum of your code to PHP 7.4. The Compatibility PHP 7.4 ruleset now has 20 rules covering the next PHP version. Exakat also checks situations that may generate over 60 different types of PHP messages : remove them and free your logs! Live, laugh, and Exakat 1.9.3 Review. PHP migration review to PHP […]