Damien Seguy, CTO of Exakat. Damien is speaking and will present its famous “15 years in the life of elephpant” with the arrival of InPHPinity. The elePHPant who celebrated the release of PHP8.
Damien Seguy, CTO of Exakat. Damien is speaking and will present “How to automate typehinting of PHP Code”. Nowadays, PHP’s typehinting has matured greatly and earned its slot in PHP coder’s tool belt. It is now facing the eternal challenge of catching up with legacy code. Those were built without type checks, leading to explicit […]
Join us at AFUP DAY 2021 TOUR, and listen to Damien Seguy, CTO of Exakat. Damien is a speaker and will present ” Le régime anti-statiques”. see more on the website
Getting Older With PHP Exakat runs continuous audits on over 1750 Open source applications, components and frameworks. This is a reality torture test : any error or unexpected results are reviewed and help update the analysis library and the Exakat engine itself. This is a golden mine of tests and real code : an exceptional […]
Common PHP 8.0 Compilation Error Messages With PHP 8.0 closing on us, it is high time to check our code bases to see if they compile, at least. Here is a list of common PHP 8.0 error messages, and what do to with them. The errors have been found on a corpus of 1756 PHP […]
Variable Variables Usage I call them ‘variable variables’, because it makes a funny sentence. What? Aren’t variables supposed to …vary, change, get altered? Indeed, they do. Yet, there are the ‘dynamic variables’ in PHP, which have been around as long as PHP itself (at least, PHP 3.+). Recent tutorials around the web, like Dynamic variables […]
Which are the PHP 8.0 Significant Incompatibilities to expect? PHP 8.0 is around the corner, with major applications starting their move to have compatible code by early December 2020. This is the case of WordPress, Laravel, or PHP-CS-Fixer. Exakat is all ready, both for running on PHP 8.0, and auditing PHP 8 code. What about […]
Configuring Rules in Exakat Exakat default installation is tailored for discovery : it is made so as to give a broad view over the engine’s possibilities. As your experience grows, a more refined configuration is needed to adapt the results to the style of the development team. This tutorial helps your configuring rules in Exakat. […]
Named arguments and variadic in PHP 8 PHP 8.0 introduces the named arguments. This is an extension of the current positional syntax. Named arguments removes some of the limitations. It also modernizes the way methods are called with an arbitrary number of arguments, with the spread operator. Let’s see what is happening with named arguments […]
I scream, you scream, we all scream for @ @, no scream operator, is a classic PHP operator, meant to suppress error displays locally. It is a staple of PHP code, in use in over 65% of PHP repositories : 2 repositories out of 3. Yet, it is widely recommended avoiding using it. Indeed, are […]