How to make an elePHPant generation Table of content Why doing an elePHPant generation Preparing for an elePHPant generation Folklore of the elePHPant generation Miscellaneous info Content Why doing an elePHPant generation? Here are some questions and pre requisite you need to address before starting an elephpant generation. No involvment yet, as this is the […]
The upgrade sandwich With PHP 8.1 released last month, it is time to learn PHP 8.1 new features, and consider upgrading PHP code to PHP 8.0 new features. Wait a second… upgrade to PHP 8.0 ? Surely you mean, 8.1. Migrating to a new PHP version Migrating to a new version is actually a simple […]
Which are the PHP 8.0 Significant Incompatibilities to expect? PHP 8.0 is around the corner, with major applications starting their move to have compatible code by early December 2020. This is the case of WordPress, Laravel, or PHP-CS-Fixer. Exakat is all ready, both for running on PHP 8.0, and auditing PHP 8 code. What about […]
Exakat in Github Action Github Actions is way to automate your software development workflow on github. You can execute actions on your repositories at Github, and resolve issues before merging new code. Exakat integrates smoothly in the Github ecosystem with a dedicated action and its configuration. Let’ install Exakat in Github Action! Getting started Exakat […]
EPIC : Exakat PHP Index of Coding (June 2020) Not using @ is the poster child of good practices. It’s also looked upon, as an impossible goal. Did you know that the @ operator is only merely used by 50% of PHP applications ? Same for parenthesis with include and co : don’t use them, […]
This week, Exakat added a new inventory for too many chained object. The engine upgraded the storage of Typehint and Default values, which lead to several modernisation and coverage extensions, such as ‘typehint are for interface or abstract classes’, and ‘Never used parameters’. Code is like a series of baby steps, and a good Exakat […]
Most Popular PHP Magic Methods PHP features the concept of magic methods : methods that have a special function. They are related to other PHP features, and are automatically called on an object, when available. For example, the __toString() method is called whenever an object is converted to a string : this may be with […]
One for the security, one for the performances, several for the coverage and one new inventory! Exakat 1.9.6 brings a wide range of new analysis and reports : performance with mb_substr(), security without TLS 1.0, better coverage for definitions, and inventory of duplicate literals. We are evolved to search for meaning but ultimately life has […]
Exakat 1.9.2 releases several reports, and raise readiness for PHP 7.4. And, under the hood, we have some foundation upgrades, that will extend the nature of results from analysis. As they say, you have to look through the rain to see the Exakat 1.9.2 review. Class dependency diagram This is a new report : it […]
Exakat 1.8.9 Review Exakat 1.8.9 is out. This week, we are packing new analysis and several graph refactoring that are helping us push the analysis further. The analysis cover disconnected classes, the double usage of blind variables in foreach(), usage of mb_detect_encoding(), and useless type hint checks. Constant values are propagated even further; foreach now […]