PHP Native Attributes quick reference

PHP native attributes In PHP 8.0, PHP added native attributes to its vast arsenal of features. Later, the first native attribute, aka, available in the core of PHP, appeared. Here they are, for quick reference. In PHP 8.3, there are 5 native attributes. PHP 8.0 Attribute PHP 8.1 ReturnTypeWillChange SensitiveParameter PHP 8.2 AllowDynamicProperties PHP 8.3 […]

Using Exakat with Docker

Using Exakat with Docker Exakat is available on docker, as community version. It is available at Here is how to use it. Installation Docker is needed to run this tutorial. To install exakat, start docker, then run the following command in the terminal : docker pull exakat/exakat:latest With a graphical interface, such as Docker […]

Are bracketless instructions on the way out?

Bracketless instructions PHP control structures, such as foreach, for, while, if/then/else,… are followed by one or several instructions. When there are several instructions, a block needs to be set up, with curly braces. When the following instruction is unique, it is possible to skip the brackets, and only use the instruction. This feature has always […]

PDFF : PHP Document File Format details

PDFF : PHP Document File Format details In the first episode, we have presented the origin of the PDFF: how it emerges to be a convenient format to describe PHP component, with a good level of details, some versioning and a dual-readability human/machine. In this second episode, we’ll introduce the format and the content of […]