Avoid array_unique

array_unique() is quite slow It is recommended to avoid array_unique. array_unique() function is a native function that will extract distinct values in an array. array_count_values is also a native function that will extract distinct values in an array, and count the number of occurrences. array_count_values actually does a lot more work than array_unique by providing […]

Meet us at 010PHP to learn about ‘automated PHP code audits’

I’ll be giving a talk ‘automated PHP code audits‘ to the 010php user group, in Rotterdam. “Even nowadays, PHP code is mostly manually audited. Expert pore over actual code, in search for bugs or code smells. Actually, it is possible to have PHP do this work itself ! Strengthened with the internal Tokenizer, bolstered by […]

Removing duplicate cases in switch

Removing duplicate cases in switch Switch statements in PHP link a situation (the cases) to code to be executed. Duplicate cases in switch statement should be avoided. Just like this : switch ($a) { case ‘a’ : /* code here */ case ‘b’ : /* code here */ default : /* code here */ } Duplicate code in switch statements […]